Articles Keeping You Connected to New Perspectives

I ALMOST bought land. beginners landownership management Apr 03, 2020
So. I ALMOST bought some land.
It wasn't a ton of land, two tracts: one 82 acres and another nearby 71 acres. Now I say almost, because we ended up not following through with the offer, but there was a lot learned through the process. . .
First let me back up and say we...
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What is Basal Area? beginners management Oct 09, 2019
When you get a forester to visit your land... your trees... they’re going to take several different types of measurements:

DBH, Height, BA.

But what do these all mean? 

DBH (Diameter At Breast Height): 

This is the diameter of a tree at 4.5 feet above...
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Dear Gran: What would you like to know about managing land? women landowners Sep 13, 2019
Dear Gran,
What is one thing that you would like me to know about managing the land?
Dear PurrPurr Tane,
When I first began in the land management industry, I knew that I needed a long term plan in place, but had no idea where to start or where to gain knowledge and...
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5 Things to do AFTER a Natural Disaster beginners management Sep 02, 2019
So Hurricane Dorian is approximately 300 miles away. And it can’t help but remind me of the years past hurricanes:
Matthew, Irma, Michael. . .
And those are just the ones that had some sort of impact in Georgia WITHIN in the past 3 years. Each hurricane had...
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Prescribe Fire: The Vaccine of Pine Forests beginners management Aug 12, 2019
The fall and winter season is coming quickly upon us which means two things for the southeast forest owners: prescribe burning and planting. Today though, I’m going to focus on prescribe fire and the importance it has within pine forests and ecosystems.
So you’ve planted...
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Let's talk money... beginners management objectives and goals Jul 27, 2019

What is the return on timber? We're talking money. 
What can you expect to get in 20-25-30 years . . .

Well, literally no one can tell you the exact dollar figure (and if they do - run - because they're lying.) There are just tooo many factors to consider: future local markets (supply +...
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Is Land Investment Worth It? beginners management Jul 15, 2019

Is owning land realllllyyy worth it….

I mean the price of land in itself is not exactly cheap, especially depending on the state and county. And the money doesn’t just stop at the purchase- there’s annual property taxes, and the investment to manage and upkeep the property for...

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A Mother's Perspective beginners management May 12, 2019
So this is only my second year I have been able to celebrate Mother’s Day; all thanks to my first-born son William. Before… I would say that I “honored” Mother’s Day. I would call or text my own mother to tell her “Happy Mother’s Day!” and...
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Faith in Management management Apr 22, 2019
Owning land can be an exciting and scary adventure. It takes a lot of faith to take on land management either for the first time or the hundredth time. It takes faith that when you start the process everything will line up in your favor: the finances and markets, the weather, tree growth,...
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Discovering Your Inner Princess beginners management Mar 29, 2019
Tonight, as I was thinking about what to write about next…. Disney’s “live action” of Beauty & the Beast was on TV. As my favorite Disney princess, I couldn’t help but put that on as I thought about what information to share. It was the opening song scene of...
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Silviculture Site Prep: Preparing for the In-Laws reforestation Feb 27, 2019
When you decide you are going to start engaging with your land, forest land specifically, there are a few things to know simply to help you communicate better...

Silviculture: What is that?

According to it is "the management of trees" and according to...
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Land Goals: Picking the Family Pet beginners management Feb 01, 2019

Your land.

 Maybe you never gave it much thought past that statement. A Simple statement of acknowledgement of “Yes, I/we have land.” But today is the day you are going to have more to say and start taking ownership of your land!

You are now going to consider the...

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