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Characteristics of Women For Land Stewardship in the US Southeast 2024

Characteristics of Women For Exceptional Land Stewardship in the US Southeast

biblical conservation women landowners Mar 11, 2024

The US Southeast is considered the bread basket of the world, with all-in-all higher than average private forestland ownership compared to the rest of the US! Women however have historically been less engaged and involved in the management decisions of these family forestlands until thrusted into the role of decision maker due to inheritance, typically from a spouse but at times parents. Despite their commonly atypical role in the past management of their generational forestlands, there are a multitude of characteristics which make women exceptional land stewards! So let's spend today and view:

The characteristics of women for exceptional land stewardship...

Women naturally have are very thoughtful in our decision making and strategic planning. Although when in a place of overwhelming anxiety to do everything just right it can lead to analysis paralysis, all-in-all, women make their decisions based off of the "big picture" for their forestlands to ensure all action is toward the bigger strategic plan. Like the Proverbs 31 woman, women often are willing to look at decision making from alternative view points (Proverbs 31:16, 24) and leverage opportunities to help her reach a more sustainable forestland in the long run. In the Southeast's diverse ecosystems, this wisdom guides stewardship practices that promote biodiversity, soil health, and sustainable land use.

Women naturally have a very nurturing spirit, which is often why women are the homemakers and those to raise the children predominately. These same characteristics run over to the forestland management as well! This nurturing spirit is often displayed through the various conservation-minded efforts to improve wildlife habitat, especially promoting native species and threatened or endangered species. Just as Ruth cared for her mother-in-law Naomi and diligently gleaned in the fields (Ruth 2:2), women not only bring a nurturing spirit to their forestland management decisions but a nurturing spirit to how these decisions will impact their current and future family dynamics. 

Although when first stepping into the role it can be intimidating, women are more likely to look to develop community and collaboration around their forestland management efforts! This can be seen through conservation effort partnerships, to share resources with others they have found helpful, and advocate for sustainable forestland management practices that have shown to benefit them and everyone. There are a multitude of tight-knit landowning communities and organizations in the Southeast, and woman-focused programs and organizations continue to grow especially due to this ingrained community desire to share stories and keep arms open for collaboration. 

 "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 )


As women in the US Southeast our faith, wisdom, and resilience continue to inspire us in our forestland management journey. By embracing our characteristics of strategic planning, nurturing care and community collaboration, we honor the legacy of our past generations of our family forestlands. Allowing us to steward the land entrusted to us with grace, purpose, and integrity. It's our duty to continue to work the forestland's we've been handed the responsibility for (Genesis 2:15). And doing so, we cultivate a legacy of responsible forestland stewardship for generations to come.

If you are ready to continue to blend faith and forestland stewardship, check out our weekly devotional sent directly to your inbox, and guaranteed to give you wisdom and guidance in your landownership responsibilities. Then take our "What Type of Landowner Are You" to see which biblical figure you're landownership style relates to most! 


Discover weekly empowering messages that will not only enhance the productivity of your property but also instill a renewed sense of purpose and pride in your role as a landowner.Ā Experience the transformative journey of blending faith with land stewardship.!