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Memorial Day Forestland

Forestland Ownership: A Memorial Day Remembrance

biblical holiday landownership May 26, 2024

Today I wanted to share some insight I have gained on this day of remembrance... A day of remembrance for all those who fought for our rights in America. 

Rights including: the right to own land; the right to manage our land as we each see fit; right to harvest our timber and profit from it for generational wealth creation for our families...

The sacrifice of the men and women who have died for our country impacts generations. Whether you have had a family member serve and pass away or not, their sacrifice is one meant for everyone, despite our direct connection to them or not.

Our landownership rights are thanks to them.

And there is ONE thing we can relate to these veterans as landowners: the work that each of you do is for the benefit of so many more than yourself. Your intentional management of your forestland, no matter what your goals may be... from maximizing profit ROI to conservation efforts for endangered species to a simple family retreat escape... your management to maintain forests to be healthy and stay IN trees is a benefit to the overall whole. Your forestland....

  • Provides clean air which we all need;
  • Filters for clean water we all need;
  • Provides the habitat for a variety of wildlife species and a diversity of our ecosystems;
  • Provides for the raw materials everyone in America relies on every...

Your management, similar to those in service, provide a public service that is often taken for granted...But today we pay a special respect for those who have died to ensure we keep our freedoms, freedoms to be landowners in America. 

So with that...if someone in your family has sacrificed and is remembrance today... a thank you for them and their service.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13



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